Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

Have you ever tried powdered butter? Matt decided to try cooking mac and cheese for dinner last night, having just cleaned out the fridge of good food gone bad, we no longer had butter or milk. While we were waiting for the chef to finish with dinner, we caught another fish! Another delicious Mahi Mahi was on one of the hand lines behind the boat. I dare say this fish was larger than the last two Mahi Mahi we caught. We were all surprised to see the warm water fish this far north, as we passed our home latitude a day or two ago. Seems I learned a little technique from the last fish and had a much better time gutting, cleaning, and filleting the most recent catch. We got more meat and barely made any mess on the boat at all! Its a good thing we caught the fish, turns out Jon was not a fan of the mac and cheese prepared with powdered butter so we had fresh Mahi Mahi and rice burritos instead.

The ocean surface was so smooth on watch last night. I could see the reflections of individual stars. Smooth enough to even see a reflection of the big dipper constellation on the waters surface. I've only seen lakes with water this glass like and smooth. After the rough seas we had leaving Hawaii, its a drastic change of sea state to the ocean so docile and calm. Though this is an interesting new way to see the pacific, where did all the wind go? Sailing without wind is like trying to use facebook without internet.


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