Friday, July 1, 2011

First few days out

We apologize for not keeping you up dated on our progress but we finally have some calm weather. So to compress the last 5 days in one blog we'll start from the beginning.

Day 1. We set sail for the mainland.... not really knowing whether we're going north or south but we just wanted to get going and keep watching the weather while we go, we made it about 100 miles north our first day but beating up wind all day and night wasn't fun for anyone but we figured we'd try to suck it up and see how long we can do it.

Day 2. After beating up wind we decided to see what its like on the other tack so we decided to go south, same situation though beating up wind healed over wasn't fun at all but we sucked it up for another 100 miles until we looked at the chart plotter and realized we pretty much ate 60 miles back tracking so we felt pretty dumb but it was funny.... kind of haha.

Day 3. Day 3 went well, we still haven't eaten a real meal yet because we still weren't used to the rocking so much but I did manage to make some bean burritos so we got some sustenance's in us, after some crew deliberation we finally decided to sail north. We tacked over and headed north...... again haha.

Day 4. so we like this tack allot more cause it's a beam reach most the time and we're sailing at around 5-7 knots depending on the wind but its really comfortable, pretty much the only exciting thing that happened was we caught a Mahi Mahi, trying to filet it while on the bow was very interesting, Sean and I hacked at it and after some what fighting we got it filleted. John was going to be kind and bring in the second hand line so we didn't catch another fish, one is enough for us all to eat, but he was too late. We already had another Mahi Mahi on the other line. It was small and we didn't need two fish so we let it go, but we will be having fish tacos soon! John made some pasta that night so we're starting to eat some more each day.

That's pretty much it for now we apologize for not keeping you up dated but we'll be up dating more often bye for now from the crew of Shenanigans.


1 comment:

  1. Great to hear from you guys!! Stay strong and safe, enjoy the Mahi Mahi! Godspeed to Shenanigans and her crew.
